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Come all ye STL programmers and gather round me, for I have delightful tidings for thee. Most of you will probably agree with me when I say that the minimal reading list for a beginning C++ programmer consists of one introductory text and Scott Meyers two books Effective C++ and More Effective C++. These books were written before the STL appeared on the radar of professional C++ programming. The good news is that Scott Meyers has written a third book called Effective STL. This new book, which should be in bookstores by the time you read this, offers the same kind of advice as his first two books, except that its focus is entirely on the STL. Since the STL is rapidly being accepted as an integral part of the C++ language, you really dont want to be caught with Scott Meyers third book missing from your bookshelf. As with his first two books, Effective STL is not an introductory text. You need to first learn about the STL from an introduction, such as [1], [2], [3], or [4]. Thatll tell you about the tools in the STL toolbox. Effective STL will tell you how to use these tools effectively and without causing damage.
Another book that needs to be mentioned in this context is Herb Sutters excellent Exceptional C++ [5], which, among other things, contains advice on how to use the STL. The word is out that Herb Sutter has also written a follow-up, called More Exceptional C++. As of this writing, I have not had a chance to look at it, but there is no doubt in my mind that it will be another classic with much valuable advice regarding the STL.
Needless to say, reading Scott Meyers new book made me wonder if there is even still a need for a column such as this one. Why not just wrap up my pathetic little column and tell everybody to read two books instead, an introduction to the STL and Effective STL? I hope youll agree with me, especially after reading this column, that there are a few things left for me to say. If you will allow me a somewhat personal remark at this point, Ill say that I am fortunate enough to work with a team that decided very early on to bank on the STL as an integral part of C++. We now have a large code base (and a commercially very successful product, I might add) that is virtually free of pre-STL legacies. Moreover, using the STL has inspired us to use generic-programming techniques extensively. I do believe that in the process I have learned a number of things worth sharing with you.
Back to the Measurements Example
This is the third column in a row on the subject of iterators. In my April 2001 column, I talked about the iterators that the STL containers expose. In the June 2001 column, I explained some more advanced aspects of iterators, such as iterator categories and iterator traits. In that column, I also mentioned a real-life example that demonstrates what the creative use of iterators can do for you. The example was a piece of software for evaluating measurements taken on the pipes, tanks, valves, and the like of a chemical plant. Among other things, I mentioned a class that holds a sequence of measurements taken at one particular location at different points in time. Such a class will hold all kinds of information concerning the location of the measurements, and it will hold a collection of objects each of which represents one measurement. In its simplest form, this collection would be a vector of pairs, each of which holds a double and a date. For example, the class would contain the following private member declaration:
typedef std::vector<std::pair<double, Date> > MeasurementsCollection; MeasurementsCollection m_vectMeasurements;
It is of course possible that there is more information associated with each individual measurement so that, instead of a pair of a double and a date, youd have to use a more complex object. For now, let us assume that we can get away with a pair or a similarly simple struct, which, just like std::pair, exposes its content through public data members. One of the main points in my last column was that sequentially structured data should always be exposed and passed around in the form of iterators. Therefore, in the present situation, our class should expose iterators to the collection of measurements as follows:
typedef std::vector<std::pair<double, Date> > MeasurementsCollection; typedef MeasurementsCollection::const_iterator const_iterator; MeasurementsCollection::size_type size() { return m_vectMeasurements.size(); } const_iterator begin() { return m_vectMeasurements.begin(); } const_iterator end() { return m_vectMeasurements.end(); }
Rather obviously, this setup exposes all available information about the measurements to the client. For example, if there are two or more measurements present, the value of the second measurement can be retrieved as
Still, from an STL point of view, this solution is very unsatisfactory. Suppose you wish to do something with just the sequence of measurement values, disregarding the dates. For example, you may wish to calculate some statistical information about the measurements, such as the standard deviation. The STL does not have a standard deviation algorithm, but if you are working on software that calculates and uses statistics, then your own toolbox of algorithms would most certainly contain an STL-style algorithm for the calculation of the standard deviation. That algorithm will take as its arguments a pair of iterators that represents the sequence of numbers whose standard deviation is to be calculated. Or you may want to display the values of the measurements in some tabular or graphical format that illustrates their statistical behavior. If your display module is written with the STL and generic programming principles in mind, then again, you will need a pair of iterators that represents the sequence of numbers to be displayed. In either case, youll want an iterator that, upon dereferencing, will return a const reference to the value of the measurement in question. But we dont have that. What we have are iterators that, upon dereferencing, return a reference to a pair whose first component is the value we need.
There are several possible solutions to this problem. One would be to change the data structure of our class and store the measurement values and their respective dates in parallel vectors. Certainly not a very appealing solution, especially in view of the fact that now you may have the opposite problem, where you want an iterator that dereferences to a pair that contains both the value and the date of the measurement. Another solution would be to require that all functions that accept a pair of iterators must alternatively accept a pair of iterators and a functional, with the understanding that the functional must make it possible to customize the behavior of the respective function to deal with the kind of problem were looking at. This solution is in keeping with the spirit of the STL: as a rule, STL algorithms allow this kind of customization. Suppose, for example, that you wanted to find the first occurrence of a certain value val in the collection of measurements. To do that, you could write
const_iterator it_found = std::find_if( begin(), end(), FirstEquals<std::pair<double, Date> >(val) );
where FirstEquals is a functional that could for example be defined as shown in Listing 1.
Although this solution goes quite a long way, it is not my favorite one. First, the requirement that functions accepting pairs of iterators must be customizable via a functional in a suitable way is not really a clearly stated universal requirement in the STL. You may find yourself working with algorithms and modules written by other people where this requirement is not satisfied. Second, the proliferation of functionals that results from this solution tends to clutter the code and make it harder to read and maintain. Third, writing the appropriate functionals often opens a whole ugly can of worms having to do with storing objects, by value or by reference, inside temporary function objects, something that should be avoided if possible. Fourth, and most importantly, what were doing here is making the client of the class deal with a problem that is nothing but an implementation detail. The class is intended, among other things, for use by clients who are interested just in the sequence of numbers, disregarding the dates. These clients can reasonably demand to be given access to this sequence of numbers through a pair of iterators that point to numbers and nothing else.
A Generic Iterator to Member
All this being said, we find ourselves confronted with the task of writing our own iterator class. It must be an iterator that runs over an std::vector of std::pairs, but upon dereferencing, returns a reference to a particular component of the pair that it currently points to, rather than to the pair itself. The first question we must answer is how general our iterator class should be. Such a decision is of course ultimately a matter of taste. It is, in a manner of speaking, a tradeoff between usability and reusability: a class that is too generic is often difficult for the client to understand and use, and a class that is not generic enough cannot be reused much.
In this particular case, it seems to me that a good level of genericity is to go for an iterator class that takes an existing iterator that dereferences to a struct or class with public data members and turns it into an iterator that dereferences to a particular public data member of the struct or class. In our example, it would turn an iterator that points to an std::pair<double, Date> into an iterator that points to the first component of the pair, a double.
Listing 2 shows such an iterator class, which I have called iterator_to_member, with a few obvious function definitions omitted. The code in Listing 2 cannot be used with Microsoft Visual C++ and the version of the STL that comes with it, the root of the problem being the fact that the compiler does not support partial template specialization. This painful subject is discussed in more detail below. As indicated in the comments, the template arguments to the class are _It, the type of the original iterator; _T, the struct or class type that the original iterator points to; and _R, the type of the member of _T that our new iterator will point to. In the example that we started out with, these types will be specialized as
_It: std::vector<std::pair<double, Date> >::const_iterator _T: std::pair<double, Date> _R: double
The iterator_to_member class has two private data members: m_it, the original iterator that points to the entire struct or class of type _T, and m_memptr, a pointer to the member of _T that the new iterator will point to. Recall that in C++, a pointer to member is nothing but an offset that indicates the relative position of the respective member within the class layout. The one-liner operator* shows you how iterator_to_member uses that information:
return (*m_it).*m_memptr;
The expression in parentheses dereferences the contained iterator m_it. The result is a reference to the _T object that m_it currently points to. Using the pointer to member m_memptr, we obtain a reference to the desired member of the _T object. The operators operator-> and operator[] are implemented analogously. Notice that the underlying iterator type _It may not have an operator[]. In that case, the line
return m_it[_N].*m_memptr;
in the implementation of iterator_to_member::operator[] will not compile. But thats just fine, because member functions of class templates will not be compiled unless theyre called. The only downside to this is that you cannot force an explicit template instantiation on an iterator_to_member in the case where the underlying iterator type _It does not implement operator[]. That is because when an explicit template instantiation takes place, the compiler will attempt to compile all member functions.
All operators that have to do with the position of the iterator, such as operator++, are simply forwarded to the contained iterator. Again, there are some operators here that may not compile for certain values of the template parameter _It, but that is not a problem except when it comes to explicit instantiation.
Looking at the implementations of the various operators, you can see that our iterator_to_member is really just a thin wrapper around an iterator that dereferences to a struct or class with public data members. All operations having to do with the position of the iterator are simply forwarded to the wrapped iterator. All operations that have to do with dereferencing the iterator are first passed on to the wrapped iterator to obtain the object currently pointed to, and then the desired data member is extracted.
What remains to be discussed are the typedefs at the top of the class definition of iterator_to_member. In my last column, I mentioned the struct std::iterator_traits as a way to obtain the iterator category of an iterator. The full definition of the STLs iterator_traits is shown in Listing 3. As you can see, iterator_traits is a struct that contains just typedefs for types that are associated with the iterator type _It. As I mentioned in my last column, the definition as shown in Listing 3 looks as if the whole iterator_traits is totally gratuitous. When Im looking at some iterator type, such as
and I want to know what that iterators value_type is, why would I write
when, as you can see from Listing 3, the former is simply a typedef for the latter? The main reason for using the indirection through the struct iterator_traits is that some iterators are basic types, namely, plain old pointers, and these cannot provide their own associated types. std::vector iterators, for example, are often implemented as plain old pointers, and in these implementations, an expression such as
does not even make sense. For all iterators that do not or cannot provide their own types in this way, we can provide a specialization or partial specialization of iterator_traits to affix the associated types to the iterator. For example, the STL deals with all iterators that are plain old pointers in one fell swoop by providing the partial specialization of iterator_traits that is shown in Listing 4. This is the reason that the STL implementation that comes with Microsoft VC++ 6.0 cannot provide iterator traits as stipulated by the Standard, because the compiler does not support partial template specialization.
The keyword typename in Listing 3 is required because the types that are used here are whats called dependent types, that is, types that depend on template parameters. Whenever you use a dependent type, you have to precede it with the keyword typename. The reason for this is that it is the only way to enable the compiler to check templatized code for syntactic correctness before instantiation. typename tells the compiler the identifier that follows names a type, rather than a data member or member function. Unfortunately, the current situation with different compilers is confusing: some compilers correctly require the use of the typename keyword, others dont allow it, and still others let you get away with both.
In our iterator_to_member class, we want the iterator category and the difference type to be the same as that of the underlying iterator type, simply because everything that has to do with positioning the iterator is forwarded to the contained iterator. The value_type, i.e., the type of the object pointed to by the iterator_to_member, is the template argument _R, and pointers and references to that type are _R* and _R&, respectively.
Finally, a class with this many template arguments should always provide a wrapper around the constructor that is modeled after STL functions such as make_pair. As I mentioned in my last column, the point of these make functions is that, oftentimes, you find yourself constructing an object of a certain type and then immediately passing it to some function as an argument, without the need to explicitly assign it to a variable, as in
foo(std::pair<int, int>(42, 43));
In a case like that, you can use std::make_pair to save yourself the trouble of spelling out the template arguments, letting the compiler deduce them instead:
This is what the function make_iterator_to_member at the end of Listing 2 is all about.
Suppose you have an std::vector of pairs of doubles, and you want to calculate the standard deviation of the first components of all pairs in the vector. Assuming that you have a standard deviation algorithm, heres how you can do this now:
std::vector<std::pair<double, double> > vect; // ... double dblStdDev = std_dev( make_iterator_to_member( vect.begin(), &std::pair<double, double>::first ), make_iterator_to_member( vect.end(), &std::pair<double, double>::first ) );
This kind of use of the iterator to member is convenient in many situations, but the real beauty of the whole concept of writing iterators like this emerges when we go back to our example of the measurement class. What were going to do is expose an iterator to the first component of the pairs in the collection. Since this happens via a typedef, the client never even knows that theres something other than a plain old iterator in an STL container class involved. There is one issue that we need to address before we can write the appropriate typedef into the measurement class. Usually, when you write your own iterators, you have to write two versions, a const and a non-const one. In Matt Austerns article [6] on writing iterators, youll find a very elegant trick that saves you from having to write a lot of duplicate code. As it happens so often in generic programming, the trick uses partial template specialization, and therefore, it wont work with compilers that do not support partial template specialization.
With our iterator to member, were lucky enough to be able to come up with const iterators by specifying the template arguments appropriately. If we use a const iterator type for the first template argument (the type of the contained iterator) and a const type for the third template argument (the type of the member that we want to point to), then the resulting iterator to member is precisely the const iterator that we want. Listing 5 shows all the typedefs and member functions that our measurements class must have so that it exposes to the client both the sequence of pairs
that it really contains and the virtual sequence consisting of the first components of these pairs.
Microsoft Visual C++ and iterator_traits
As we have seen, the whole idea of iterator traits, like many other nifty techniques in generic programming, cannot really work under Microsofts Visual C++. The main problem is that the STL defines a partial specialization of struct iterator_traits that covers all plain old pointers, as shown in Listing 4. If the STL implementation that comes with Visual C++ would just omit that partial specialization, but provide the general struct iterator_traits shown in Listing 3, then the whole thing would be a mere inconvenience: for all iterators in your program that happen to be plain old pointers (in particular, all vector iterators), you could write a specialization of iterator_traits, and all would be well. Unfortunately, however, the struct iterator_traits in the STL that comes with Visual C++ is different from the one that the Standard requires: it is missing the pointer and reference types, and the difference_type is called distance_type. Therefore, this struct is of very limited use, to say the least.
As far as the iterator category is concerned, Microsofts STL also offers a workaround that stems from one of the earliest versions of the original STL. Recall that the typical use of the iterator category is to make algorithms behave differently for different kinds of iterators. Many algorithms look like this:
template<typename _It> alg(_It it1, _It it2) { alg_internal( it1, it2, std::iterator_traits<_It>::iterator_category() ); }
Here, alg_internal is a function that is overloaded for different types of the third argument. As you can see, all thats needed here is a default-constructed temporary object of the iterators category type. Microsofts STL has a function _Iter_cat, which, when applied to an iterator, returns just such an object. Therefore, algorithms in their STL implementation often look like this:
template<typename _It> alg(_It it1, _It it2) { alg_internal(it1, it2, _Iter_cat(it1)); }
This is how you should write algorithms that need to distinguish between iterators of different categories if youre working with Visual C++. The problem with the _Iter_cat gimmick is that it does not lend itself easily to be extended to custom iterators such as our iterator_to_member.
Microsofts website makes no statement about if and when they intend to support partial template specialization. I have heard it through the grapevine that partial template specialization is not considered a priority by Microsoft and will not be supported in the next version of Visual C++.
I have also heard that in the upcoming version of Visual C++, Microsoft plans to improve the situation slightly by implementing all STL iterators as proper classes. So be sure to never make use of the fact that std::vector iterators are currently typedefed as plain pointers, and hope that nobody on your team has done so in the past.
A few well-crafted generic iterator classes can greatly enhance the benefit that you reap from using the STL. For more on this subject, you may want to check out [7] and [8].
[1] Matthew H. Austern. Generic Programming and the STL (Addison Wesley, 1998).
[2] Nicolai M. Josuttis. The C++ Standard Library: A Tutorial and Reference (Addison Wesley, 1999).
[3] David R. Musser and Atul Saini. STL Tutorial and Reference Guide (Addison Wesley, 1996).
[4] Bjarne Stroustrup. The C++ Programming Language, 3rd ed. (Addison Wesley, 1997).
[5] Herb Sutter. Exceptional C++ (Addison Wesley, 2000).
[6] Matthew H. Austern. The Standard Librarian: Defining Iterators and Const Iterators, C/C++ Users Journal, January 2001.
[7] Christopher Baus and Thomas Becker. Custom Iterators for the STL, Proceedings of the 2000 Workshop on C++ Template Programming, <http://oonumerics.org/tmpw00>.
[8] Martin Weiser and Gary Powell. The View Template Library, Proceedings of the 2000 Workshop on C++ Template Programming, <http://oonumerics.org/tmpw00>.
Thomas Becker works as a senior software engineer for Zephyr Associates, Inc. in Zephyr Cove, NV. He can be reached at [email protected].
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