From Flow Measurement - Polluted Media - Flow Meter
For portable and high accurate flow measurement. For portable ultrasonic flow measurement of slight to heavily polluted media in part filled and full pipes and channels. Best possible results even under difficult conditions.
Measurements are absolutely necessary when it comes to assess the hydraulic conditions of sewage networks or special constructions. The importance of portable, power-independent flow meters for determination of infiltration, channel efficiency, sewerage master planning or influent control is hence continuously rising. Reliable and significant data representing typical operational conditions of the measurement places are to be gained with the help of these data.
It is very often required to carry out the measurements only for a few weeks or months to obtain representative data.
A measurement system for portable flow measurements basically consists of a transmitter Type PCM for power supply, data entry, indication and data storage plus a sensor for the recording of measurement data.
Sensor construction as well as the built-in pickups may be customised individually according to the conditions prevailing on site. For flow velocity measurement starting at flow levels as low as 3 cm up to several meters there is a wide selection of sensors available.
Channel Networks - Fix Installation Measurements for no shutting down the flow areas - Water and Wastewater
The need to replace the existing Time of Flight without shutting down the flow. 4m deep channel. Application required to be installed in just 1 day.
Channel Networks - Fix Installation Measurements for Flow Measurement In Pipe That Could Not Be Shut Down - Water and Wastewater
To supply high accuracy flow meter on a new works application, cost was an issue and maintaining a Mag meter was another issue.
Channel networks solutions for replacement of measurement with inverted syphon sector - Water and Wastewater
Rectangular concrete channel, approx. 2.5 x 2.5 m (w x h). Part filled. Impoundage shield installed later in the channel with inverted syphon and EMF DN 800.
Channel Networks - Fix Installation Measurements for hybrid flow measurement in main collector sector - Water and Wastewater
Hood profile 2200 x 1980. Part filled and full. Precast concrete parts. Sedimentation and temporary overflow.
Channel Networks - Portable Measurements solutions for determination of infiltration water in larger diameters - Water and Wastewater - Water Monitoring and Testing
Application: Pipe with 0.6 m diameter, made of concrete. Partially filled. Ex zone 1.
Channel Networks - Portable Measurements solutions for determination of infiltration water in small pipelines - Water and Wastewater - Water Monitoring and Testing
Application: Concrete pipe DN 250. Part filled, low level. Very low flow rates. Ex Zone 1. No mains power supply available.
Flowing Waters - Irrigation & Drainage Systems solutions for Contaminated Groundwater Flow Measurement - Water and Wastewater - Irrigation
Application: Trapezoid channel 1.5 x 0.5 m (w x h). Partially filled. Concrete channel bottom, embankment reinforced with water engineering stones. Remote measurement place.
Channel Networks solutions for Seepage Water - Water and Wastewater
Flow measurement in landfill leachate for sewage master plan.
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