Reliable, long-term autonomous remote transmission of water and environmental measurement data Envirotech Online

2022-08-20 07:14:15 By : Ms. Joy Zhang

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The NivuLink Micro II from NIVUS is a self-sufficient datalogger; it is a gateway that provides and stores water and environmental measurement data from sensors and other data sources via mobile communication. NIVUS designed this rugged device, housed in a IP68 rated enclosure, for the rigours of outdoor installation and its Ex Zone 1 approvals make the NivuLink Micro II suited for deployment in sewers. This highly user-friendly, plug & play unit has a HART interface allowing simple connection to other manufacturers’ sensor systems. In fact you don’t even need to ‘plug’ – the battery life is up to 7 years (based on hourly measurements and daily transmissions) , so it makes an ideal choice for long-term remote deployments, it can also be connected to  a power supply when operating from within a control cabinet.

NIVUS’ adherence to the key role of IoT means that users can transmit data automatically with visualisation and logging options via the NIVUS WebPortal, to which NivuLink Micro II is integrated on delivery. This allows customers to have the device up and running with almost no commissioning work necessary. NivuLink Micro II can be simply integrated into the customer’s existing hardware and software systems – and data can be transmitted worldwide via its mobile network coverage.

The NivuLink Micro II has 4 universal inputs to collect analogue and digital data and provide the connected sensors with power needed for measurement. The end-users can set the measurement and transmission cycles quickly, easily and remotely for themselves, saving themselves time, money and inconvenience. The end user also chooses alarms and threshold values individually. A selectable event mode allows for shorter cycle times, for instance when a set level has been exceeded. This device also enables operators to calculate the flow rate based on level data by means of adjustable Q-h relations. The NivuLink Micro II’s intuitive operation enables a rapid and simple commissioning of the system.

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