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Hawker Electronics bring nearly 6 decades of experience in providing the water industry with the best level control technology for their application. When choosing a level controller for a liquid level application it is important to choose the sensor for the job. Continuous level measurement or point level control? Or perhaps a mixture of both as a belt and braces scenario.
Whichever sensor is chosen site conditions and sensor location are critical to the efficacy of the application. Non-contact sensors have been the go-to product as they are considered maintenance free. Unfortunately, if they are located in exposed areas, there is a strong possibility of losing their signal due to strong winds. Pressure sensors have a lower profile, which is ideal for wells and are more temperature stable in water but are not so good in heavily contaminated liquids so require a maintenance schedule depending on the application. Capacitance sensors are excellent in clean liquids especially with foam. But not good in contaminated liquids.
For point level there are floats and probes. The floats are manufactured from different materials to suit various applications which are okay in clean liquids but are unreliable in contaminated liquids. The probes are much more accurate and longer lasting than floats but have greater installation costs.
Additionally, as water processes have evolved in recent years, we have seen a change from gravity filter beds with a larger footprint to the use of chemicals with a resultant smaller footprint.
This change has allowed a greater output of water through the water treatment works which has been necessary due to increased consumers’ demands for water.
Hawker noticed that the use of chemicals in tanks is akin to sewage applications. The tanks have become high earthy environments with contamination caused by the chemicals. An extensive variety of corrosion resistant electrodes and electrode holders can be chosen to suit the various chemicals in use. But the level controller must be able to distinguish between the liquid level and the moisture laden earthy environment. This is similar to raw sewage conditions with suspended solids and foaming. Applications where Hawker level controllers with their unique CSD circuitry excel.
The water sector is constantly evolving and striving to lower pollution and improve both safety and supply – a discussion with the specialists at Hawker will help you to achieve that aim.
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