The sky was a cobalt canvas Tuesday evening along the Menomonee River Parkway in Wauwatosa.
A few high clouds, pushed by a brisk west wind, raced toward Lake Michigan.
But the real action was at treetop level.
A dozen nighthawks darted above the riverside forest, grabbing dinner on the wing.
A flock of cedar waxwings took flight from a grove of honey locust trees and headed south.
And a sharp-shinned hawk soared into view, turned into the breeze and flapped in place for five seconds, then banked east and swiftly glided out of sight.
I've always considered the appearance of nighthawks a sign that the fall bird migration has begun in Wisconsin.
But as I hiked Tuesday along the parkway's trails and counted more than 30 species of song birds, waterfowl and raptors, I wondered how many other birds I observed were also visitors passing through.
Wednesday morning I received high-tech input from BirdCast, a radar-based project to estimate bird and other airborne animal movements.
Last night was the biggest movement of birds in the 2022 fall migration, according to BirdCast.
At its peak 557 million birds were in flight at 9:20 p.m. Tuesday across the U.S.
The total included 48.4 million across Wisconsin from 7:40 p.m. Tuesday to 6:20 a.m. Wednesday.
Here in Milwaukee County, the project estimated 3 million birds migrated through overnight.
The stiff west and northwest wind created good conditions statewide for bird movement.
Radar in Marathon County recorded 9.4 million birds last night.
In Eau Claire, chief meteorologist Matt Schaefer at News 18, the local ABC affiliate, even dedicated part of his weather forecast to the birds.
There was a lack of precipitation in the area so Schaefer pointed out to viewers the substantial feedback on the radar was from our feathered friends.
The Eau Claire County overnight forecast included clear skies, temperatures in the 60s, low humidity and 7 million birds.
Isn't that a definition for a perfect Wisconsin night in late August?
Birds are amazing for many reasons, including the fact most species do most of their migration flights after dark.
Radar has evolved as a very good tool to track this mostly unseen phenomenon.
BirdCast was initiated in 1999 as a collaboration among the Environmental Protection Agency, National Audubon Society, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Clemson University Radar Ornithology Laboratory, the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia and GeoMarine, Inc.
Its goals included: maintaining a website that posted educational information about bird migration and steps property managers could take to mitigate the danger and stress migrating birds face when passing through an area; predicting and monitoring bird migrations on a daily basis using weather radar; collecting and disseminating volunteers’ reports of bird sightings to "groundtruth" the radar data; and raising public awareness about the sensitivity of migratory bird populations.
Fortified by a decade of operational experience and additional research, in 2010 ornithologists and computer scientists from Cornell University and Oregon State University obtained a National Science Foundation award and worked through 2016 to refine BirdCast.
It is run today primarily by scientists at Cornell, OSU and the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
The technology has become sophisticated enough to tell direction, elevation and speed of the migrating birds.
In Milwaukee last night, for example, the peak was 163,200 birds in flight at 9:50 p.m. They were on average flying SSE at 38 miles per hour and an altitude of 2,500 feet.
The movement across the U.S. stayed strong through the early morning hours Wednesday, with 441 million at 2 a.m. and 345 million at 4 a.m. before tapering to 123 million at 6 a.m. and 118 million at 8 a.m.
The forecast for the Lower 48 states was for another good flight of 276 million Wednesday night, 221 million on Thursday and 259 million on Friday.
If you haven't checked out the BirdCast project, visit to learn more.
And do yourself a favor and get outdoors to look and listen for birds this migration season.
As Emily Dickenson wrote, "hope is the thing with feathers."